Connector Technology - Problem creating MDB

From: <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 17:30:07 PST

Hello to everyone,

after implementing 14 interfaces of javax.resource.spi and javax.resource.cci I created rar file for my Resource Adapter and deployed it successfully.
In the glassfish I created 3 resources: Connector connection pool, connector resource, and Admin object resource.
In my EJB project (a separate project) I'm trying to create message driven bean to listen to my Admin object resource as follows:
@MessageDriven(mappedName = "AdminObjectResource")
public class EISListener implements MessageListener{...}

but I get the following exception, when deploying the EJB project:
creating message-driven bean container: com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorRuntimeException: Could not find physical destination : null

I really don't have any idea how to face this problem. I would be more then happy to get any suggestion how to handle this problem, or any idea that you think can help

Thank you very much
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