Re: IIOP and SSL

From: Dies Koper <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 18:09:58 +0900

Please put sun-ejb-jar.xml in the META-INF directory of the jar in which
you stored the bean classes (sessions.jar?).


Gerald Holl wrote:
> Dies Koper wrote:
>> You could use the equivalent ejb-jar.xml definitions instead of
>> annotations. But that is not why your lookup fails.
>> The problem with the code you posted (assuming there is no ejb-jar.xml),
> Yes, I'm not using ejb-jar.xml.
>> is that the <ejb-name> in sun-ejb-jar.xml should specify the bean's
>> name, which defaults to the unqualified class name. So use
>> <ejb-name>MyServerImpl</ejb-name>
>> In the server instance's JNDI browser you can see what name the bean
>> is registered in JNDI. That name should be used in your lookup code.
>> (I think that code is correct).
> Dies,
> The bean is registered as server.MyServer although I specified a
> different name in sun-ejb-jar.xml
> Even if I omit a '>' in sun-ejb-jar.xml no error occurs in the
> server.log during deployment. It looks like the file is being ignored.
> It's located in the same directory as persistence.xml.
> persistence.xml is definitely being parsed and interpreted.
> Maybe there's an error in the packaging structure?
> myapp.ear
> lib/entities.jar
> sessions.jar
> entities.jar
> META-INF/persistence.xml
> META-INF/sun-ejb-jar.xml
> server
> Thanks for your help,
> Gerald