Re: GlassFish v3 - separate ejb container jar file?

From: <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:10:48 PST

Hi, Ryan.

I'll let Mahesh continue the main thread. I want to respond to your comment about app clients.

Java EE app clients run inside an app client container (ACC). Neither the ACC nor the app clients run inside an app server. Rather, the ACC (and within it the app clients) runs on systems remote from the system where the app server runs.

Having said that, it is certainly true that the GlassFish V2 ACC depends on many (too many) JARs that the app server itself also depends on. So, while the number and size of GlassFish JARs needed by the ACC may suggest that the ACC is an app server or runs inside one, it does not.

We plan significant improvements in the footprint of the ACC for GlassFish V3.

- Tim
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