Re: How is a web service recognised at deployment?

From: Florent Georges <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 00:04:42 +0100

On Jan 14, 2008 9:09 PM, Bhakti Mehta wrote:


> I tried this and saw if Javaee version is javaee 5 is selected with
> netbeans New Web Application and a new Webservice was created from wsdl
> I could see it in the Webservices tab and also could see the app in the
> Web applications tab.

  Thank you.

  Yes, I also succeed yet to create a web service that way that
deployed correctly. But after a few developments (trivial business
classes that have nothing to do with the Java EE environment), the web
service doesn't deploy as a web service anymore.

  The problem is that I can't find what's going wrong (in the project
files or in the server logs). And now I don't know where to look any
further. That's why I would like to know what's triggering on
Glassfish the flag "oh yes, I recognize this WAR is actually a web
service." In the hope to have some clue about where to look for the
guilty config file or piece of code...

