Re: an EJB2.1 stateless session bean with remote and local interface -- how

From: <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 21:00:12 PST

Hi Dies

Thanks for your response.

I will post the contents/structure of the EAR -- forthcoming...

In the meantime, the rough structure of the project is this...


| |
| | |
| | |__ejb-jar.xml
| | |
| | |
| | |__sun-ejb-jar.xml
| |
| |__ddd.ejb
| |
| |__DddEJBBean.class
| |
| |__DddEJBLocal.class
| |
| |__DddEJBLocalHome.class
| |
| |__DddEJBRemote.class
| |
| |__DddEJBRemoteHome.class
| |
| |__DddHelper.class <--JNDI lookup code here
| |
| | |
| |
| |
| |__WEB-INF
| | |
| | |__classes
| | | |
| | | |__ddd.web
| | | |
| | | |__WelcomeJSFBean.class <--calls DddHelper.class
| | |
| | |__lib
| | |
| | |__faces-config.xml
| | |
| | |__sun-web.xml
| | |
| | |__web.xml
| |
| |__welcomeJSF.faces

BTW -- I think Marina means well... but, I think his perspective -- with reference to my issue -- is somewhat jaded, since he knows the subject matter so well.

I have looked at the so-called EJB FAQ several times, and have attempted to derive the solution to my JNDI lookup issue. But, because there is no explicit example involving a Session bean that requires both local and remote access, I cannot verify which portion of my code is failing.... i.e., the JNDI lookup, the configuration files, or both

Thanks for your interest, as well as Marina's

[Message sent by forum member 'sairndain' (sairndain)]