Re: Glassfish Custering VS Linux Virtual Server

From: Gabe Wong <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 07:27:54 -0800 wrote:
> If I want to make a front-end with clustering where run only the glassfish server What the better solution?
> Machine with a single Glassfish server clustered by LVS
> or
> Machine with a Glassfish in clusterd mode
> What about pro and con?
The PRO of LVS is that each node would require less configuration i.e.
you would be able to use the default port numbers.
The CON of LVS, is that more overhead in terms of memory and other
resources for each Virtual Server instance.
And not sure which LVS, you are referring to. Hypervisor based VS,such
as XEN and VMWare has more overhead compared
to OS VS such as Virtuozzo and openVZ.

Gabe Wong
NGASI AppServer Manager
JAVA AUTOMATION and SaaS Enablement
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