JPA and Joins Returning too much information

From: <>
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 07:45:19 PST

I am having a bit of trouble trying to get a JPA query to work. I am using the toplink essentials as the entity manager.
Some background:
I have 2 database tables, Member, and ClaimLine, and 2 corresponding classes, with the proper entities mapped. A member can have 0 to x claimLines, each claimLine has a specific date associated with it.

public class Member {

        private Collection<ClaimLine> claimLines;

        @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="member", fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
        public Collection<ClaimLine> getClaimLines(){
                return this.claimLines;

public class ClaimLine {
        private Member member;

        @JoinColumn(name="memberID", insertable=false, updatable=false)
        public Member getMember(){
                return member;

        public Date getDateTo(){
                return this.dateTo;

As you can see, a member has a collection of claims. What I am trying to do is get all members and their corresponding claims that are within a certain time period and members that have no claims at all in the time period. With the following query, the member objects that are populated contain all claims for a member if they have at least 1 claim in the time period.

Below is the SQL query that returns what I want, I am not sure what I am doing incorrectly in the JPA query.

SQL Query:
select * from Member m LEFT OUTER JOIN
 (select * from ClaimLine c where c.dateTo between '1/1/2001' and '6/30/2001') q
 on m.memberID = q.memberID

JPA Query:
                Query q = em.createQuery("select distinct m from Member m LEFT JOIN m.claimLines c where (c.dateTo between :startDate and :endDate) or m.claimLines is empty")


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