Re: Accessing a JMS Resource on a Remote Server

From: <>
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2008 16:37:22 PST


According to the error message, initial context property "java.naming.factory.initial" is not set. It should be set automatically, but it isn't so i think the program can't find the file in which some default values like this are stored. It's name is "" and it should be included in appserv-rt.jar. Look through your jar files which are referenced by the manifest file and search for this file. I don't really know java command line parameters, I compile my projects with Eclipse. In my producer-consumer projects I used a custom manifest file:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: Program
Class-Path: lib/javaee.jar lib/appserv-rt.jar lib/appserv-deployment-client.jar lib/appserv-ext.jar lib/appserv-admin.jar lib/imqjmsra.jar lib/msg-enums.jar lib/log4j-1.2.15.jar

Using this manifest you have to put the referenced jar files in the "lib" diredtory relative to the application jar path. Why I say it is because maybe for some reason in your configuration java can't find the file because it looks for it in the wrong place.

If it still doesnt work, can I have a look at the program code?

Anyway, I think I get what you want to do, because the week before christmas I was trying to do the same :)

You use the same lookup method in remote client applications for EJBs as JMS resources, that's why I brought it in the picture.

sry, this post is a little bit dizzy, i'm tired (1:26 am here)
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