Re: EJB3 timer: automatically start with module deployment?

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 21:02:30 +0100


first off, thank you very much for your input on that. schrieb:
> The current EJB spec does not provide an easy way to have a timer
> automatically created as a result of deployment. It's a feature
> that we're working on for EJB 3.1 (JSR 318).

What does the roadmap for EJB3.1 look like, in terms of scheduling and
deadlines? Even thoug I am dealing with this thing right now for the
sake of learning, as we're about to migrate quite a bunch of legacy code
to Java EE and do have that "timer" thing around quite often, I wonder
whether waiting a while for EJB 3.1 to be here might pay off?

> The best you can portably do right now is use a web container
> initialization event to call into a stateless session bean.

Well... hope it'll not sound too stupid... but how to do so? Where to
look to learn how to get this sort of thing done?

Thank you very much, best regards...

Kristian Rink * *
jab: * icq: 48874445 * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
"One dreaming alone, it will be only a dream; many dreaming together
is the beginning of a new reality." (Hundertwasser)