Calling standalone rmi server

From: <>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 03:06:32 PST

I have some problem calling a standalone rmi server from glassfish. First of all is it possible to do so ? I guess the specification doesn't allow calling rmi servers outside the ejb container. The rmi server is a Java SE device driver for PLC control systems and it exposes some methods by rmi to the outside world. It's working just fine if I'm calling this methods with a standalone java rmi client. The problem I get when calling it from glassfish is security related so I guess It has something to do with policy I've tried to change the glassfish server policy file server.policy to grant all but this doesn't seems to help. Another strange thing about glassfish is the whole server hangs when I get the security exception. To be able to continue I need to shutdown both Glassfish and Netbeans.
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