create-jvm-options target instance scope?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 15:05:51 PST

When I try to add a jvm option to the instance / server scope I get the following:

C:\glassfish\bin>asadmin create-jvm-options --target Instance-01 "-Dframework.propertyregistry.override=file:///"
The target Instance-01 of type server instance is invalid. Valid target types are cluster, configuration, unclustered server instance, domain administration server.

CLI137 Command create-jvm-options failed.

I need to be able to set jvm options at the instance level because in a clustered setup each instance needs to point to a different property file that has dynamic values like app log paths among other things.

This page:

States that server is a valid target for create-jvm-option but I guess that changed somewhere along the way.

Is there anyway I can do this with asadmin or the admin gui?

I find it peculiar that the lowest level of scope you'd be able to apply jvm-options to would be cluster since you could have various hardware in your cluster that might need different memory options and such.

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