Re: JMS remote client

From: Sivakumar Thyagarajan <Sivakumar.Thyagarajan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 16:59:24 +0530


Sorry this is vacation time for most of us and the responses therefore
are quite slow.

I haven't tried using a JMS connection factory bound in AS in a
standalone fashion from a container like Resin and so I really don't
know why you are facing these problems. It appears that somehow
GlassFish's ORB is not being picked up.

Could you try these two steps:
1. First try sending a message from within Resin directly to the MQ
provider. Set up your classpath as recommended in and then instantiate
the connection factory directly and configure it to the valid broker and try to send
a message.

2. If (1) works then we can try using a JMS CF bound in application
server from within Resin. For that, please start afresh and add the
following jars to your classpath:

I don't know if {as-install}/lib/appserv-deployment-client.jar is
required. So add it only if required.

Then set up your Initial Context as explained in
> Properties props = new Properties();
> props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial",
> "com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory");
> props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs",
> "com.sun.enterprise.naming");
> props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.state",
> "");
> // optional. Defaults to localhost. Only needed if web server is running
> // on a different host than the appserver
> props.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", "localhost");
> // optional. Defaults to 3700. Only needed if target orb port is not 3700.
> props.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort", "3700");
> InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(props);

and try to look up the ConnectionFactory you had created in the
application server using the physical JNDI Name you have bound it as.

--Siva. wrote:
> Yes, I'm still praying someone will answer me. I may have been using incompatable jars before, with gfv2 and gfv2u1. This latest exception is using the same jars. What is __SYSTEM/descriptors/jmsra and why can't it find it? Is this a configuration issue? thanks