Re: Request for community input: Glassfish 9.1 Troubleshooting Guide Wiki

From: Mark Space <>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 11:12:36 -0800

Scott Fordin wrote:
> The hope is that this Troubleshooting Wiki will be a place not just
> for "problems," as in things that are broken, but also for solutions
> to challenging questions about how to best use Glassfish technology
> to meet the needs of site developers, administrators, and their
> customers.

I'm a new user, and I recently had a problem with a borked install. I
looked at your guide and found a solution right away. (Forgot admin
password.) I already fixed the issue with a fresh install but I was
happy to see a solution available right away and in a format I could

One issue however. On this link:

There is a lot of horizontal scroll. This is generally bad for users.
Way back when, when I was still in college, and I was baby-sitting the
Macintosh lab and listening to the lectures the creative art students
were getting, I learned that layout issues like this are very important
to usability. Usability and human issues has been a bit of a passion of
mine ever since.

I'm not sure what tools the wiki provides for dealing with long lines,
but some brainstorming by folks on how to deal with long lines might be
good. I'll go poke the wiki and grunt a bit (I'm not really great with
wikis) to see if I can find a technical solution. But someone more
facile with wikis than I might be able to come up with something better.

Overall it looks great though.