This is not related to the Load Balancer component/plugin. Could you
check whether upon web server installation you are able to do a
successful start. Strangely, web server pid is not being set - it should
be able to log the pid under <ws-instance-root>log/pid.
WebServer's magnus.conf file sets this path; ex :
DNS off
Security off
PidLog /<your-ws-instance-root>/logs/pid
User webservd
Saloustros Georgios wrote:
> Hello.
> I ve installed the sun-web-server-6.1 plug-in for load balancing but
> now when I try to start sun-web-server 6.1 I get in the error logs
> [30/Nov/2007:17:29:56] info ( 8276): CORE1116: Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP5 B08/18/2005 02:17
> [30/Nov/2007:17:29:56] failure ( 8276): CORE3160: PID path not set
> [30/Nov/2007:17:29:56] failure ( 8276): CORE3168: Could not set PID path (null)
> Which file should I change?
> Thanx,
> GS