EntityManager not clearing data from memory

From: <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 14:51:25 PST

Hey all,

I've set up a chunking request for my JPA objects but it seems to not be clearing the old chunks and I am running out of heap space.

The way it works is I request a page size of 2k using

selectQuery.setFirstResult(currentPage * DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);

with the current page being the chunk we want, and the page size being 2k

But around page 45 I run out of heap memory in my java VM.

and i'm doing the normal clear functions

                        selectQuery = null;
                        this.entityManager = null;
                        this.entityManager = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("ASDFS").createEntityManager();

Anyone know any other way to clear the EntityManager's data?
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