JMS - Netbeans - Glassfish

From: Richard Blaha <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 17:06:59 -0500

This is my first post. I am new to JMS and Glassfish/Sun Java System Application Server 9.
I am using Netbeans 6.0, Glassfish v2, and Sun Java System Application Server 9. I am following through Part VI Services of The Java EE 5 Tutorial / 31. The Java Message Service API / Writing Simple JMS Client Applications / Running JMS Client Programs on Multiple Systems.
I have built the SimpleProducer.jar and the SimpleSynchConsumer.jar (used the example code, but renamed the files/projects) and run them on the same machine. Now for running on multiple systems I have the following setup available to me.
1. Netbeans 6.0 with Glassfish v2 on my local PC with full access to all directories.
2. Sun Java System App Server 9 setup on a network server with which I can setup my connection factories and resources.
It appears the tutorial expects me to have Netbeans access to the network server as well to place the jar file there and to be able to run appclient there also.
QUESTION (statement then question): The tutorial tells both command line commands that may be used and Netbeans steps that may be used to perform various functions (project build and run and server setup specifically). Since I use Netbeans to administer both my local Glassfish server and the network server App Server 9, is there a way when setting up in Netbeans to Run the Remote Server side SimpleSynchConsumer.jar (rather than running appclient on the network server) that I can associate the build/run SimpleSynchConsumer project with the network server app server instead of local to my machine?
NOTE: In the last couple of weeks I have been studying JMS through the main JMS Tutorial on the SUN site (JDK1.3.1), referred from there to the JDK1.4.1 where AppServer setup was quite prevalent, and finally found the JMS Tutorial embedded in the general The Java EE 5 Tutorial. Therefore I have written/rewritten and used existing examples at each step of the various tutorials and improved technology. To learn something simple it has been a very aggravating journey to learn something that should be simple. One of the frustrating items was the frequent switching between using the command line, Netbeans, and then the App Servers. I do not mind learning each way as that is very valuable for going forward, but for being brand new it was/is not a pretty site. Thank you.
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