I have just upgraded from Netbeans 6.0 beta to the Final Release version and it comes with glassfish-v2-b53. i was using a previous version of glassfish and all was ok.
glassfish-v2-b53 admin console (port 4848) crashes IE7 and is waaaaaaay slower in Mozilla. There seems to be a problem in this latest release as all worked fine in the previous glassfish installation (sorry, don't remember the version number but which ever one shipped with Netbeans 6.0 beta)
Now, the rest of glassfish-v2-b53 works fine. I have seen that the admin console in v2-53 now uses JSF which I don't believe it did in previous version. Might be wrong here but got to start somewhere.
Can anyone shed some light on this please?
[Message sent by forum member 'hacland' (hacland)]