Glassfish Startup Issues - CPU bound

From: <>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 16:54:52 PST

We are currently experiencing some issues with our production version of glassfish (SJSAS 9.1 build b58g-fcs) where during the startup process it seems to hang and take around 20+ minutes to start.

The last message in the logs refers to '.__com_sun_appserv_pid' and then the solaris 9 OS starts slowing down and the kernel CPU hits 80%.

We are running java 1.5.0_14-b03. We're guessing there is a misconfiguration somehere, but not exactly sure where to look. Our tcpAttemptFails from the netstat command is extremely high.

Has anybody got any ideas of where we should look to fix this issue? During startup it is bringing our server to its knees, at 80% of the CPU being used by the kernel, our production systems have no chance to run. This is made worse by the fact that we have 2 domains to startup, both of which have the same issue.

Also, once the system has started, running an asadmin list-domains command causes the kernel to return to the 80% mark.

Additional info: We are running the app server against a REMOTE JMS server (which is running on the same machine as the app server). We also have ASQuickStartup = false.

Any help would be appreciated.
[Message sent by forum member 'danrak' (danrak)]