Re: ws bean with ssl

From: Harsha R A <Harsha.Ra_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 17:32:56 +0530

Make sure you enter port-component-name correctly. It should be same as
the ejb/web service name. For eg,


This worked. When I had changed the port-component-name to something
else, the transport-guarantee entry was ignored. You can take the value
from the generated sun-ejb-jar.xml


Josh Donkersloot wrote, On Thursday 15 November 2007 02:35 AM:
> Hi All,
> I have a working web service (which is a stateless bean) and stand
> alone client, that I wish to now add security to. Through some
> reading it seems the most straight forward way to add security to this
> service will be to use ssl. My web service bean is in a jar file that
> is packaged inside an ear file.
> Inside my jar file META-INF\sun-ejb-jar.xml file I have added the
> following line to my webservice-endpoint entry
> <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee>
> The problem comes that when I deploy the ear file, glassfish seems to
> generate a different sun-ejb-jar.xml file. Meaning, after I deploy
> the ear file if (using the web admin console) I go and view the
> sun-ejb-jar.xml file for this web service, it is completely different
> than the one that is in the ear file, and does not have the
> transport-guarantee line.
> Any help would be appreciated on this issue, or suggestions of better
> ways of securing my web service.
> Thanks again,
> Josh
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