Re: GlassFish V3 planning - What do *you* want in GlassFish V3?

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 14:34:54 -0800

Barry van Someren wrote:
> Hi there,
> Hope I'm not too late to the party here, but some tidbits that I
> collected recently.. some of these have been mentioned here and I just
> want to second those.
> -Maven support (run embedded, have plugins for deployment)
> It would seem this already made the list :)
> -More fine grained control over (session) bean lifecycle, pooling and caching
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems you can only control the total pool sizes.
> I'd like to be able to make a bigger pool of session beans that are
> known to be lighter and a smaller pool of certain utility and heavier
> beans to better tune how the system is loaded.
> We currently don't have any issues but it might be useful to allow fine tuning.
> -Keep improving error messages and error handling.
> Glassfish is going great in this department, keep at it as it helps me
> track down errors better.
> -Modules to replace Toplink by Hibernate
> Modules seem to be the new direction that Glassfish is taking and we
> would appreciate an easy to way to allow other implementations of JPA
> in.

I'm confused here (and I think you are the 2nd person who asks for it on this
thread). The JPA provider is pluggable according to the spec requirements since
V1. Is there anything more advanced that you are looking for?


> -Allow the creation of Unit tests for EJB's by making an embedded
> Glassfish, much like embedded JBoss
> We unit test our EJB's using JBoss embedded (both to ensure our
> application stays honest and to have complete testing in our build)
> Currently we have to use JBoss embedded... having a Glassfish version
> is already listed in here and I can strongly second this :)
> -Keep working on the module/application installer, maybe integration
> within the admin interface would be nice.
> Glassfish comes with a small Java app to install extra's like portals etc.
> This is great and I hope to see this functionality inside the admin interface.
> Smack me if this is already implemented or listed please :)
> -While Glassfish will promote the use HK2, please make sure that those
> using OSGi within their applications will not be impacted too severely
> (IE try to keep the current classloader as pure as possible)
> OSGi was selected to be used inside an EJB to handle some dynamic plugins.
> While we don't expect Glassfish to facilitate this explicitly, we
> would like it if the classloader remains as much as it is right now
> for the EJB's to avoid upsetting this delicate environment.
> Thank you for your time.
> Regards,