Re: Any utility to monitor GlassFish?

From: legolas wood <>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 21:16:40 -0700

Jane Young wrote:
> Using asadmin, you can either use "asadmin get -m <dotted-names>" or
> "asadmin monitor ..." commands to monitor GlassFish.
> Do a "asadmin get/monitor --help" to see more details.
> Thanks,
> Jane
> legolas wood wrote:
>> Hi
>> thank you for reading my post
>> Is there any utility or tools which allows to monitor Glassfish web
>> layer in a good and acceptable fashion?
>> For example something to act like a proxy between Glassfish and
>> clients and collect statistics about requests and time that those
>> request take to become complete?
>> some diagrams could be help.
>> Indeed I am looking for an all in one monitoring application which
>> help me see state of requests, memory, connections, jms,.... at a
>> time and after a day of work.
>> Is there such a tool available?
>> Thanks
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Thank you for reply.
That can not satisfy my managers, they want what other managers want to
see, live statistics (even if they have no clue what is that) charts
that shows how great the application perform.

Thanks again.