Re: Any utility to monitor GlassFish?

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:28:16 -0800

Using asadmin, you can either use "asadmin get -m <dotted-names>" or
"asadmin monitor ..." commands to monitor GlassFish.
Do a "asadmin get/monitor --help" to see more details.


legolas wood wrote:

> Hi
> thank you for reading my post
> Is there any utility or tools which allows to monitor Glassfish web
> layer in a good and acceptable fashion?
> For example something to act like a proxy between Glassfish and
> clients and collect statistics about requests and time that those
> request take to become complete?
> some diagrams could be help.
> Indeed I am looking for an all in one monitoring application which
> help me see state of requests, memory, connections, jms,.... at a time
> and after a day of work.
> Is there such a tool available?
> Thanks
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