Re: avoid requiring port number

From: Dick Davies <>
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2007 21:46:44 +0000

This seems to be 2 questions.

On 11/5/07, <> wrote:

> i know with websphere, you use plugins to basically see if a request needs to be forwarded to the webserver for dynamic content, but in glassfish how do i set that up?

Usually you'd have a loadbalancer up front that routes static content
to a webserver (e.g. apache), and dynamic content to your appserver

> currently my users have to specify the port number on the url for hitting the application, and i was hoping that this could be avoided...

For http, you'd need to tell glassfish to run on port 80 rather than
whatever port it is using.

Open the admin webapp, and browse to :

Configurations → server-config → HTTP Service → HTTP listeners

under there you'll see 3 listeners

    * admin-listener runs the Admin Console you're using (on https
port 4848) so you probably want to leave that the hell alone
    * http-listener-1 (aka the 'instance port') defaults to 8080 .

Change that to 80 and apply the changes, glassfish should close port
8080 and open 80. No need to restart glassfish.

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