Re: Moving ALL sites and apps to Glassfish V2! :) Need some simple advice

From: John Clingan <John.Clingan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 09:57:36 -0800

Thanks for choosing GlassFish!! Please contact me offline (John.Clingan_at_Sun.COM
) to chat some more on this topic.

More below.

On Nov 7, 2007, at 9:20 AM, wrote:

> After 2 years of trying to "sell" Java here at work, I've finally
> cracked 'em and we'll be migrating all of our web sites away from
> ASP, VB, ASP.NET, etc. over to Java EE on Glassfish. Finally, after
> getting SSL to work properly on Glassfish v2 and getting our
> ecommerce app(s) to run properly, everyone was more willing to
> concede.
> Now, on to the questions I have as to how to approach this.
> 1) We don't use *any* other server-side technology...once our sites
> and apps are converted one-by-one...if it needs to access a
> database, it is going to use JPA. That being said; is there any
> necessity for using a "front-end" to Glassfish, such as Apache? Our
> ecommerce app is served directly from GF on port 80, which is how
> I'd prefer it.
If you want clustering then you can have your hardware load balancer
balance across the cluster. You can also load balance across
standalone instances of course.

We also have support for load balancing via a plugin which works with
with IIS, apache and the Sun Web Server. Here's some resources that
will help get you going if the software load balancer is of interest:

> 2) If the answer to #1 is, "no, all you need is Glassfish" - then
> what would be the best approach for our "brochure" sites, which are
> maintained by the design staff. They'd be accessing pages and
> resources for updates regularly and a compressed archive (i.e. .ear
> file) isn't acceptable, since they would use something like
> Dreamweaver to edit pages and not Netbeans or another Java IDE.
> Simply put, can I drag/drop files to Glassfish to publish them as I
> would with Apache or IIS-based, static web sites?
The answer is always "it depends" as to whether or not you want to use
a web server, but GlassFish can deliver up static content just fine.

> 3) If the answer to #3 is "yes" - can I deploy full-on Java EE apps
> as uncompressed files? If I'm using Netbeans, what am I copying
> into Glassfish and where do I copy it to?
This may help:

> Thank you VERY much in advance!
> -Vinnie
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