desperate with the load balancer

From: Saloustros Georgios <>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 20:58:18 +0200

Hi all.
I have successfully installed a two-machine cluster using glassfish.
Now the main problem is with the load balancer.
I installed the plugin for the sun web server 7.0 but when I try to start
sun web server 7 it crashes.(Machine 1 runs SUSE 9.3 -jdk 1.6 and machine 2
kubuntu 7.04-jdk 1.6. The sun-web-server 7 runs on machine1. I have also
tried sun-web-server-6 but did not also work)
Has anyone has the experience of installing and working correctly the load
balancer with any flavor of web server(apache ,sun web server e.t.c)
Is it difficult for someone to write a load balancer?
If I code a simple http-server that accepts requests and forwards them in
one of the instances listeners will it work or am I missing something that
makes it very difficult and complicated for someone to code a load
The whole system setup intends to be used for deploying web services.