GlassFish v2 Update Release Schedule Revised

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 15:31:15 -0700

Hello all
Planned inclusions for the GlassFish v2 Update Release went in very
smoothly for the Soft Code Freeze.

Remaining issues are fairly limited, our current testing is progressing
well, and to provide these fixes out to the community sooner, we have
decided to release the product earlier than the planned January 24th
release date.

Here the revised schedule:

Hard Code Freeze (HCF) - 11/6 11.59 pm Pacific Time - final date for
remaining approved issues.
Release Candidate build - 11/14
Final FCS Release - 12/13

Developers, please commit your fixes for approved issues by 6th Nov
11.59 pm PT.

After this point, only release stoppers will be considered.

Shreedhar and Mark