Re: Why Does The Simple Java EE 5.0 MDB Example Not Work?

From: <>
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 19:37:18 PST


The MDB example does work now that I uninstall the nightly built and then reinstalled a fresh installation of GlassFish 2 build 58.

Unfortunately I am unsure what caused the failures JMSRA in the first place.

C:\Documents and Settings\Peter\My Documents\Projects\MDB>ant run
Buildfile: build.xml


     [echo] C:\opt\glassfish/bin/appclient -client "C:\Documents and Settings\Pe
\My Documents\Projects\MDB\build/MDBappclient.jar"
     [exec] This is the application MDBAppClient
     [exec] queueCF=com.sun.messaging.jms.ra.ConnectionFactoryAdapter_at_46136
     [exec] mdbQueue=Sun Java System MQ Destination
     [exec] getName(): MDBQueue
     [exec] Class: com.sun.messaging.Queue
     [exec] getVERSION(): 3.0
     [exec] isReadonly(): false
     [exec] getProperties(): {imqDestinationName=MDBQueue, imqDestinationDescription=A Des
ption for the Destination Object}
     [exec] Sent message to MDB

Total time: 4 seconds
C:\Documents and Settings\Peter\My Documents\Projects\MDB>

btw: I modified the example to println the injected resources.

A little bit of history:

I also use MyEclipse 6 and their GlassFish v2.0 plug-in to start and stop the server. Previously I was developming an EJB 3 project, which I deployed and undeployed using the MyEclipse plug-in. Could this MyEclipse plug-in be cause of the headaches?
[Message sent by forum member 'peter_pilgrim' (peter_pilgrim)]