Re: System security

From: Gabe Wong <>
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 13:43:16 -0700 wrote:
> I am setting up a new Glassfish install on Debian. I have everything running fine. I need to run virtual servers. I understand the listeners and server on glassfish. I know how to use iptables to reroute port 80 to 8080. Here is my dilemma, I want to run the domains under a different user than root for security and I want to startup those domains at system startup. I have glassfish starting up automatically now, but not sure how to make all domains startup under their user name and how to create those domains under their user name.
> Is Glassfish secure enough to run under root?
For running under different users, it would be best for each user to
have their own installation. Disk space is cheap enough.
I would say the main question with regards to root and security, is how
secure your application is? Most exploits are due to
the applications and not the engine running it.

Gabe Wong
NGASI AppServer Manager
Application server installation and configuration AUTOMATION