Interop with Glassfish and other application servers

From: <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 08:42:33 PST

Hi all,

i hope this is not a redundant topic but since a forum search did not produce any hits i guess it has not come up here yet.

I am currently looking into interoperability between Glassfish and some other EE5 App Servers (namely a WLS 10 in this context). One requirement would be the ability to call an EJB deployed on a Glassfish from an application deplyed in a WLS 10 and vice versa. The problem i encounter here is that the classes needed to created the InitialContext instance to access an EJB require the appserver jar file of the destination server to be in the classpath of the source server (these are appserv-rt.jar and weblogic.jar). Thus the calling server will always have his own jar file as well as the other server's jar file in it's classpath.

I only describe the effects when trying to call the EJB from the WLS 10 here, to save some space:

If i put the weblogic jar in the classpath first before the appserv-rt jar i get a "NoSuchMethodError" when creating the InitalContext, it seems there are some conflicts in the com.sun.corba package. When i put the appserv-rt jar first then the EJB call succeeds, but imho this is not a trustworthy setup as there might be some side effects since there are a lot more packages contained in both jars.

So my question is, if anyone has any expirience concering such setups and could give me some hints. Is there something like a javax.nameing jar file which could be used to add it to the classpath of the WLS 10 so that both ContextFactories can be used?

Any idea about this is appreciated.

Thx, Chris
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