[Advocacy] GlassFish Community Technical Presentations

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 11:50:39 -0700

[[ I'm cross-posting this to both USERS and ADVOCACY mailing lists.
Choose where to reply. The ADVOCACY mailing list has had not traffic,
so if most people reply to this thread on the USERS list, I think we
should close ADVOCACY]]

Rama and I have been talking about starting a series of Presentations
related to Technical Topics in the GlassFish community. I've been
thinking how to do it for quite a while, so when Rama expressed
interested in helping, I jumped into it.

There is no lack of topics and speakers. The challenges include:

* Everybody is busy.
* A life audience is very useful to speakers (and audience)
* Some speakers and audience will not be local
* Some audience will want access to the content offline
* Listening to a recording offline is pretty boring.

We want to start the series but we want a sustainable approach. We can
fine-tune the mechanism and content as we learn what works and what does
not work.

Sustainability is particularly important to me. I don't want to start
something that will stop in a couple of months at the first deadline crunch.

We have thought of a number of approaches. Here are two; Rama and I
were talking about [A] but right now I wonder if we should just start
with [B] because it is less work and it may be good enough (or perhaps
even better?)

[A] Use camtasia + Camera + Export to Flash.

1) Presenter brings slides.
2) Live audience in different places (HQ is Santa Clara,
    where Rama and I are)
3) People can call into presentation via external phone
    (like admin prezos, etc)
4) Record video
5) Record slides via camtasia.
6) Record audio stream
7) Create PiP with index on slide deck via Markers.
8) Export as flash in public site, youtube, etc.

[B] Use Camera + Simple Slide Export. Repeat when appropriate

1 to 4) as in [A]
5) Record slide deck somehow. Camtasia is an option (very quick). Or
things like
6) Push the slide deck and the video, unedited.
7) If there is interest, we can repeat the presentation, either using
[A] or a webcast.


My inclination is to just do [B] for now. Very low effort and probably
good enough.

So, let us know what you think.

        - eduard/o & rama