[OT] Need j2ee 1.3 sdk

From: Wayne Fay <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 11:26:40 -0500

A bit off-topic and perhaps an odd question, but I need the j2ee 1.3
sdk, and after digging around on for a while, I am completely
unable to find it.

We have an old project that we're going to start migrating into JEE5
soon but want to use the verifier tool to tell us about things that
were done wrong in the original project so they can be fixed before we
start the migration. I'm certain there are some issues with the old
code but it has been running fine in production for some years now, so
perhaps that it is a testament to the J2EE container it is deployed

After a bit of digging, I was able to find the j2ee 1.4 sdk (120mb).
But the j2ee 1.3 sdk eludes me...

Anyone got a link to download it? We may just rewrite things but I'd
like to run verifier on the project either way, for fun.
