The http server could not start !!

From: <>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:55:27 PDT

I recently installed Glassfish V2 as a bundle with netbeans IDE 6 beta from sun website. everything was fine and I was able to run the sample J2ee applications and the application server used to start very well. Now everytime I try to run a J2ee application (whether a smaple or an application that I did) I got first the following error: "The HTTP server could not start. Check messages.log for more information" then the application server stays trying to start but at the end it fails and I got another message stating that the Application Server could not start.

I could not discover what the problem is

Please help

I am attaching a copy of my server.log file in the \Sun\AppServer\domains\domain1\logs directory.
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