creating customCommandLink

From: freepal <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 18:36:51 -0700 (PDT)

Hí ,

my customComponentClass :

public class UIComponent extends UIComponentBase

                public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException
                         writer.write("<table border=\"1\"
cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" >");
                    writer.write(" \"images/treenode.gif\" ");
                    writer.write("<td colspan=\"2\">");

                  ------> HERE (commandLink)


what i am trying to do is to create a HTMLTable and inside it i want a
CommandLink like normaly in a JSP Page , also something like :

<h:form id="selectedOrderForm">
 <h:commandLink id="selectFactory"
<h:graphicImage value="images/orderingButtonbg.jpg" style="border:0;"/>
 <f:param id="selectedId"
         value="666666" />

how should i do this inside my CustomComponent implementation , if i write
it easy in writer.write(...) , my browser do not understand it as a
commandlink and donot compile it.
how can i get back a working commandlink .
i know that i can place so such thing directly in the JSP-page, but i don't
want this. i want that my costomComponent place this inside its output
(CommandLink inside a Table).

i tried to use this (but donot know how to use it exactly so that it works):

HtmlCommandLink cl = (HtmlCommandLink)context.getApplication()
                         MethodBinding mbActionListener =
context.getApplication().createMethodBinding("#{backingBean.myAction}", new
Class[] {javax.faces.event.ActionEvent.class });

                         cl.setValue("click me");

but THEN where should i use it or how to use my created HtmlCommandLink how
can i print it out or how to use it inside the table :( i need some help
please :-(

many thanks
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