Re: Deploy EJB Module project to virtual server

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 15:36:39 -0400

I have created an issue:


Ryan de Laplante wrote:
>>> I have several projects.
>>> 1) Servlet endpoint web service (WAR)
>>> 2) EJB endpoint web service (JAR)
>>> 3) An enterprise application that contains EJBs and a web app (EAR)
>>> I have deployed all three into my app server. For the WAR and EAR I
>>> was able to select a specific virtual server within the target. For
>>> the JAR, there is no option to choose a virtual server within the
>>> target.
>>> Is this by design or a bug?
>>> Also I noticed that when I do operations related to virtual servers
>>> I have to restart glassfish. The change either doesn't take effect
>>> at all until restart, or Glassfish might give me a blank screen when
>>> trying to access it from a web browser.
> Does anyone have an answer for this? Do I really need to convert my
> EJB web service to a servlet web service so that I can put it into a
> virtual server?
>> About the latter ("operations related to virtual servers"): Which
>> version of GlassFish are
>> you using? Please provide exact sequence of steps that would allow us
>> to reproduce the problem.
> Here is an example I ran into just now. I deployed a web project
> (that contains only a web service) from NetBeans 5.5.1 into Glassfish
> V2 RC8 (58g). I logged into the web admin console and selected my web
> project from the tree on the left. I went to the target tab and
> clicked "Manage Virtual Servers" for the "server" target. I selected
> my virtual server from the list on the left and added it to the list
> on the right, clicked OK. Next I tried to go to the URL of my web
> service's WSDL. I get a blank screen. Back in the web admin console
> tab in Firefox I clicked my web project from the tree on the left, and
> was brought to the login screen!
> After restarting glassfish I went back to the URL of my web service
> URL and this time I see an HTTP 404 error. It turns out I was trying
> to access the wrong URL (typo). Wanting to try the experiment again,
> I undeployed the web project from the runtime tab in Netbeans. Next I
> redeployed it from NetBeans. Immediately I was able to access the
> WSDL on my virtual server's port. I was not expecting this since I
> have not yet told the web project to use the virtual server from the
> admin console. I logged into the admin console to check if the
> virtual server was added to this web project. It is not.
> I decided to restart Glassfish again to see if it would still let me
> access the WSDL after. I can still see the WSDL using the virtual
> server's port # in the URL. This does not make sense. FYI - I am
> pressing CTRL-F5 to force firefox to refresh. I even opened IE to see
> if it would show in there, and it does. I logged into the admin
> console and again confirmed that no virtual servers have been selected
> for this web project.
> While I was doing these tests, there was an other web project that I
> had deployed earlier that is configured to use the virtual server. My
> virtual server has its own http listener using port 8443, and SSL
> enabled.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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