Logging to multiple files using JDK logging?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 09:22:19 PDT


Right now, we're currently using log4j for our logging needs. I'm trying to see if we can do away with the need for an additional dependency on an external JAR (log4j) if we can just standardize on JDK logging.

One critical requirement that I need is that each of our applications be logged into its own file. None of our project teams here relish the thought of grepping through one gigantic log file to troubleshoot for problems.

I know enough that we can code a customer log handler to log to something other than server.log. But in GF Admin, there's only one field for a custom Log Handler, which kinda implies that you can customize it to output to another file and that's about it.

Has anybody been using JDK logging to log to multiple files? It'd be helpful if I can get some positive responses before embarking on this.

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