Re: Any way to change a Listener port on the fly?

From: Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 17:08:51 -0400

> The problem is that when I need to do maintenance on the site, the
> site is effectively dead and gives error messages to the users.

My very simple solution to this is to change index.jsp on your landing
page. Put some commented out "The site will be back soon" text in there,
and when you need to do maintenance just edit the file, uncomment that
text, comment out whatever else you'd like, and save the file. GF will
take care of the rest. There are obviously better solutions so that you
could, for instance, trigger this remotely. But as long as you're
hacking away in there anyway, it works.
