Re: AW: Re: Glassfish and clustering ...

From: Pankaj Jairath <Pankaj.Jairath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 14:13:07 +0530

Hello Thomas,

Clustering binds the participating instances to a logical group - the
backend; and the fronting component - HTTP load balancer facilitates in
load balancing and failover of the HTTP requests over this group of
In a multi-tier deployment; WebServer is the fronting tier which
receives the incoming network traffic; just like you seem to have Apache
WebServer. GlassFish V2 provides HTTP Load Balancer component support
only for Sun Java System WebServer 6.1 / 7.0.

In case you want to HTTP Load Balancer for Apache, you can download Sun
Application Server 9.1 (Beta 2). Installer would provide you the option
to choose which WebServer to install on. Sun Application Server 9.1 is
based on GlassFish V2; and provides support for HTTP Load Balancer on
Sun WebServer, Apache and IIS.

You can download 9.1 from under
"*Download the Components Independently" *section.

For more information on HA; you can refer to following - and checkout the High
Availability administration guide. Just a note, docs currently do not
mention about support for Apache, which would be updated shortly to
reflect this.

Hope this helps.


Hillger Thomas wrote:
> Hello Shreedhar,
> oh yes, I do have some more questions ;). I am not sure if I understand everything right. You say I need a load balancer to for taking advantage of clustering - correct? Has this always to be a Web Server? And if so has it to be a Sun Web Server? Inside our firm we have an Apache Web Server and we would like to use this server for load balancing. Have you some information about configuring the Apache Web Server?
> Many thanks for your support!
> Regards
> Thomas
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM]
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. September 2007 17:52
> An:
> Betreff: Re: Glassfish and clustering ...
> Hi Hillger
> You need a load balancer for that purpose. The following document outlines steps to do this with Sun's webserver which has a software load balancer plugin that can direct requests among your instances.
> Let us know if you have more questions.
> regards
> Shreedhar
> Hillger Thomas wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am a newbie to this issue. I have successfully installed a cluster
>> on Glassfish with two servers. Two agents are running - one on each server.
>> Now my question: With which access point can I access the web
>> application which I deployed? In the Admin UI I only get special links
>> to my "Hello" application (simple WAR with jps). Does Glassfish not
>> provide a single point to access the application?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Thomas
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