Re: Problem with GlassFish windows service SOLUTION

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 14:04:47 -0400

In case anyone is interested:
> 2) Regarding the service stopping when I log out, I have done some
> experimentation and noticed the following:
> - computer boots up, shows login screen, service is running. I can
> access web apps remotely.
> - I log into Windows from the local keyboard, and the service
> continues to work.
> - I log out of Windows, then try to access the web apps remotely. I
> get connection timed out errors.
> - I log back into Windows from the local keyboard as the same user. I
> checked windows services and it says that Glassfish service is still
> running. When I look in the task manager, I see that
> appservService.exe is still running, but there is no longer a java.exe.
> It seems that logging out of Windows kills the java.exe process
> (Glassfish), but the appservService.exe continues to run. Windows
> thinks that the service is still running. Can anyone help?

I file a bug with Glassfish:

Then I found a workaround. Add the -Xrs JVM option in your domain.xml
to tell the JVM not to unload itself when the user logs out of
Windows. See my comments in the ticket for details.
