Two simple entities but JPQL Query doesn't work

From: <>
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2007 04:49:27 PDT


I have two very [b]simple Entities[/b]
ShoppinCart and ShoppingCartPositions

 I'm trying to execute the query:
final Query q = em.createQuery([b]"SELECT count(x) FROM ShoppingCart x JOIN FETCH x.shoppingCardPositions"[/b]);

throws the Exception
used by: Exception [TOPLINK-8030] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0 (Build 35 (02/16/2007))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.EJBQLException
Exception Description: Error compiling the query [SELECT count(x) FROM ShoppingCart x JOIN FETCH x.shoppingCardPositions], line 1, column 50:[b] unknown state or association field [shoppingCardPositions][/b] of class [de.epoq.dycide2.server.cart.ShoppingCart]

Any Ideas???
Thanks, stephan

public class ShoppingCart

        private long id;
        private Date cdate;
        private List<ShoppingCartPostion> shoppingCardPositions;

        private String shoppingCartId;
        private String customerId;

        public ShoppingCart()

        public Date getCdate()
                return cdate;

        public String getCustomerId()
                return customerId;

        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "SHOPPING_CARD_GENERATOR")
        @SequenceGenerator(name = "SHOPPING_CARD_GENERATOR", sequenceName = "shoppingcard_id_seq")
        public long getId()
                return id;

        public String getShoppingCartId()
                return shoppingCartId;

        // /fetch = FetchType.EAGER)

        @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "shoppingCart")
        public List<ShoppingCartPostion> getShoppingCartPositions()
                return shoppingCardPositions;

        public void setCdate(final Date newVal)
                cdate = newVal;

        public void setCustomerId(final String customerId)
                this.customerId = customerId;

        public void setId(final long id)
       = id;

        public void setShoppingCardPositions(final List<ShoppingCartPostion> newVal)
                shoppingCardPositions = newVal;

        public void setShoppingCartId(final String shoppingCartId)
                this.shoppingCartId = shoppingCartId;

        public void setShoppingCartPositions(final List<ShoppingCartPostion> shoppingCartPositions)
                this.shoppingCardPositions = shoppingCartPositions;



public class ShoppingCartPostion
        private long id;
        private String productcode;
        private int quantity;
        private double unitPrice;
        private Date cdate;
        private ShoppingCart shoppingCart; //backlink

        public ShoppingCartPostion()

        public ShoppingCartPostion(final String productcode, final int quantity, final double unitPrice, final ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
                this.productcode = productcode;
                this.quantity = quantity;
                this.unitPrice = unitPrice;
                this.shoppingCart = shoppingCart;
                this.cdate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());

        public Date getCdate()
                return cdate;

        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "SHOPPING_CARD_POSITION_GENERATOR")
        @SequenceGenerator(name = "SHOPPING_CARD_POSITION_GENERATOR", sequenceName = "shoppingcard_position_id_seq")
        public long getId()
                return id;

        public String getProductcode()
                return productcode;

        public int getQuantity()
                return quantity;

        public ShoppingCart getShoppingCart()
                return shoppingCart;

        public double getUnitPrice()
                return unitPrice;

        public void setCdate(final Date cdate)
                this.cdate = cdate;

        public void setId(final long id)
       = id;

        public void setProductcode(final String newVal)
                productcode = newVal;

        public void setQuantity(final int newVal)
                quantity = newVal;

        public void setShoppingCart(final ShoppingCart shoppingCart)
                this.shoppingCart = shoppingCart;

        public void setUnitPrice(final double newVal)
                unitPrice = newVal;

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