Extending a simple web service

From: Norman Walsh <Norman.Walsh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 11:25:22 -0400

This is the start of what will probably be a series of fairly naive
questions. Searching through a mountain of web search results and blog
postings yielded nothing comprehensible so my niavete may be deeper
than expected :-)

In an effort to test some ideas I have about entity management, I
installed the latest stable GF V1 and downloaded some of the sample

I had no trouble getting the "hello-jaxws" example to build, deploy,
and run.

I had no trouble tinkering with it a bit so that the "name" passed in
is in fact a URI which is parsed with a SAX parser using the

However, my attempts to add my own handler, either as an internal
class that extends the DefaultHandler or a separate class in the same
package have all met with abject failure.

The logs seem to suggest that deployment is either not copying all the
relevant class files over, or is putting the various classes into
separate packages, or that the server class loader is throwing a hissy
fit over my attempts to load the ancillary classes, or some
combination of the former.

Clues, please?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.