[JPA] Join with inheritance

From: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 02:22:45 PDT


Imagine I have the following entities:

       Dept <---> Emp
                    / \
                   / \
                  v v
          EmpFullTime EmpPartTime

There's an [b]@Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED)[/b] involved: EmpFullTime and EmpPartTime extend Emp.

[b]EmpFullTime[/b] has a [b]salary[/b] property, while [b]EmpPartTime[/b] has an [b]hourlyRate[/b] property.

Now, the question:

Is it possible to construct a JPQL query, which will only fetch the department names and employee names for [b]full-time[/b] employees whose salary is greater than 1000?

In SQL, this could look like:

    from dept d
           join emp e on ( = e.dept_id)
           join emp_full_time eft on ( =
    where eft.salary > 1000[/pre]

In JPQL, however, if I try something like:

    Query q = em.createQuery("select d from Dept d join d.emps e where e.salary > 1000");

I get an error:

    ... unknown state or association field [salary] of class [test.jpa.entities.Emp]

While I understand why I get the error, I still wonder: Is it possible to create a JPQL query that can perform a join with only a part of an inheritance hierarchy? Is it possible to either specify which subclass I wish to join with, or to cast the base class to some subclass, so that the JPQL parser would know that I want a particular join with a particular subclass?

Best regards,
[Message sent by forum member 'bisser' (bisser)]