Security Credentials and Glassfish

From: Simon Cook <>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 15:21:44 +0100

Hello All,

Is there any way I can achieve the following functionality in
Glassfish. The main crux of the problem is to propagate security
credentials throughout a distributed application.

1. User logs in to the application with username and password.
2. The application accesses the database (Oracle) and provides the
user's credentials using the Connection Pool.
3. The application sends a JMS message to another server.
4. The MDB on the remote server executes code under the original
user's credentials.
5. The user set a task to run at midnight and logs off.
6. The timer task runs at midnight but with the user's credentials
even though they've logged out of the application.

Basically, everything the user does must run as them and all database
access must execute as that user. No anonymous access or processing
is allowed.

I would be very grateful for any help I can get on this.

Best regards,
Simon Cook