Re: Error Handling Problem

From: <>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 01:16:37 PDT

I throw custom exception in runtime and try to catch it by servlet container (error-page in web.xml). But I see that there is no page redirection. I have told with Glassfish developers and they answered:

SRV 9.9.2:
If no error-page declaration containing an exception-type fits using the
class-hierarchy match, and the exception thrown is a ServletException or
subclass thereof, the container extracts the wrapped exception, as defined by the ServletException.getRootCause method. A second pass is made over the error page declarations, again attempting the match against the error page declarations, but using the wrapped exception instead.

But I see in stack trace, that there is a javax.faces.el.EvaluationException (subclass of RuntimeException) this root cause of my exception. And it cannot be executed right by container. I use JSF 1.2_04 p02 RI. To tell the truth I don't know is it a bug and who must fix it this way.
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