Re: How to deploy a war file as a root project of glassfish?

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 09:39:04 -0700 wrote:

>You can set your deployed application as the default web module for that virtual server.
>To do this in Admin Console :
>- go to Configuration -> HTTP Listeners -> http-listener-1
> look at the Default Virtual Server, by default it is set to 'server'.
>- go to Configuration -> Virtual Servers -> <server>
> There is a dropdown box with the label :Default Web Module. Select your web application as the default one.
>Now, you can access your project by just typing: http://localhost:8080/

Alternatively, you could deploy your webapp directly to "/":

  asadmin deploy --contextroot "/" <your-webapp>

or bundle the attached sun-web.xml.
