Glassfish V2 RC4 doesn't work with IE 6 SP2 and SSL

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:18:21 -0400

Today I noticed that I cannot access my SSL web application on
GlassfishV2 RC4 using IE 6.0. I haven't tried IE 6 since upgrading to
RC4, but know ithat IE6 used to work before.

It works fine in IE 7, and Firefox. IE 6 shows "Cannot find server or
DNS error". We've tried it on 5 separate computers with the same result.

I re-generated the SSL certificate on Glassfish and restarted. That did
not solve the problem.

The URL is on the Internet. If a Sun employee would like to see for
themselves, please email me directly.
