Using Glassfish to run/manage headless Java applications?

From: <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 05:24:22 PDT

Firstly I'm new to Glassfish so maybe I'm misunderstanding what Glassfish can do (or what its even supposed to do) but I'll ask this question anyway. Simply put, is it possible to use glassfish as a 'managing container' for a standard headless java app ?

To add a bit more context, I've got a number of programs that are plain ole J2SE apps but which are 'server' applications. When I say server, I mean there's no human interaction, no GUIs, nothing. A scheduled task (or cron) would start the application which would then go off and do whatever it's got to do and then either sit and wait for more tasks or even close down. Eg, an app which starts up, creates connections to some messaging middleware, receives messages, logs them (either to files or db), maybe applies some biz logic and then forwards/creates a message onto another messaging channel. Something simple and which needs no human to start/stop/control it.

I'd like to explore whether I can use some sort of application server to invoke and ultimately control such an application (eg if certain error conditions happen then even maybe restart it). Almost all the examples I've seen assume there is some GUI and some human interaction.

I've done a fair bit of googling to try and find out if this is possible and to look for some example programs but with no joy. Can anyone help/advise if something like this is even possible on glassfish please? If so, any examples of something similar please?

Thanks very much,
[Message sent by forum member 'curtisa' (curtisa)]