RE: Automatic sql script execution on ear deployment?

From: Shevland, Joe <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 12:01:31 +1000

> Ah, the examples I have been looking at are JBoss Seam
> examples and are based off of Hibernate as the persistence
> provider. Hibernate has a property that if enabled will do
> this for you.
> <property name="" value="create-drop"/>
> When this property is set I guess it peforms the sql script
> execution. Since I have always been using TopLink it never
> worked. Is it is easy to replace TopLink with Hibernate since
> I would like this feature.

That property just acts like Toplink in terms of creating (and dropping
first, so its really only a dev-env property with the 'create-drop'
value, there's an 'update' one which updates the schema etc) tables
based on the entities you've defined, not running any data-loading
script you might have floating around.

If none of the other suggestions are appropriate (and I thought creating
the data as part of the script to deploy the application was), maybe a
web context listener that checks a field in a control table and runs a
script if the value hasn't been set to true (which'd happen at the end
of the script/s).


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