RE: How to transport applicative data across method calls like acontext

From: Shevland, Joe <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 09:40:56 +1000

> In fact i would like to have the same behaviour as a
> statefull session bean but for a stateless one. Yes it is
> strange but i am not sure that the standalone client
> application calls the remove method of the bean.
> I do not have a conversationnal state or any kind of session
> communication but i would like to transport transparently
> some transversal data in a kind of invocation context when
> the client invokes a method and for all its subordinates methods.
> For example, when the security is activated in the
> application server it is possible for all methods to known
> which is the principal name that calls the method
> (SessionContext.getCallerPrincipal()). This principal is not
> defined in any bean and does not appears in methods signature
> but it is accessible by all methods of all beans through the
> session context. This is that i would like to do in order to
> memorize transparently some information and be sure that this
> data is not visible in the api but could be reached
> everywhere in the code.
> So for that, stateful session bean does not match my requirement.
> Do you have an other solution?

If there's no requirement for conversational state between calls, and
the 'transversal data' just needs to propogate for a method and its
'subordinates', would a ThreadLocal do the trick?

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