Dynamic reloading on Glassfish with Netbeans

From: <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 03:31:26 PDT

Hi everybody,

We've just started to develop jEE apps and deployed them to Glassfish V2.
The development lifecycle is quite long since we have to build-deploy-run projects from Netbeans each time a change occurs in a file.
I've just seen that we could use dynamic reloading for shorter development time.
But our architecture is :
-each developer has a netbeans workspace where he writes code
-each developer has a domain on a remote glassfish server
-this is not possible for us to set the domain apps repository as a workspace for netbeans

since workspaces are differents from apps repository in domains, I think that we need to compile and copy each modified file and its dependencies from the workspace to the domain apps repository with an ant task (and add a .reload file) to trigger dynamic reloading.

So I'd like to get some advice to write this ant task if you think this is the good way to do it. If you think that's a wrong way, please help me to find the good one

Thanks to all, and sorry for the bad english of a french guy

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