Re: just the web server

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 16:06:39 +0200


brunosm wrote:
> IS there any way to run only the web server? (servlets + jsp). And
> deactivate the rest?...I mean...the ejb container

You cannot do it right now using GlassFish v2. But you might want to try
GlassFish v3, which is exactly what you are looking for. Currently, the
WebServer in v3 is the same as v2 as we didn't yet started implementing
the new Servlet/JSP/JSF specifications (JavaEE 6). Hence v3 is probably
a good development environment for you now....and it start really really
really fast :-)

> FOr some developing purposes, running just the web server is much faster
> to start and stop
> I am starting with netbeans 6 and it seems that tomcat dont run from here

I don't use Netbeans so I'm not sure if you can use v3 with it (if you
can't, I suspect support should soon be available). But I might be wrong
on that one.


-- Jeanfrancois

> Bruno
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